1. Hi Ladies!
    I’m frantically searching my emails from Brandy and Mystie and the Schole Sisters…did I miss the Fall Schole Habit tracker?!? Did anyone make one for those of us who have come to rely on it? 🙂

  2. This really goes hand in hand with a podcast episode with Angelina Standford. (I don’t remember if it was with you all or another one). Classical education was never centered around history it was centered on Language. We should be reading the Fairy Tales, Myths, and Hero stories to our young children. But so much curriculum focus is on history and historical fiction. Historical fiction does have its place but they are not the good books that lead to the great books. Even in the episode that you speak about Dorthey Sayers the grammer stage started at 9/10 not at 5. I think as mothers who are home educating we want to give our children what we did not have. We want them to know history but our littles don’t understand or relate to it as we adults do (and older children). Even though there are many options to do history in a loop with all ages together doesn’t mean that is the best option for young children. There’s just a lot to weed through in the homeschooling world! Thanks for sharing! Excellend episode 🙂

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