1. What theology books??? I love theology! Enjoying a book by Martyn Lloyd-Jones about Biblical doctrine right now.

  2. Hi all, I’m not finished listening to the podcast but I think Cassiodorus comes up with 7 categories for secular learning but he has more than 9 subjects/categories. Cassiodorus has a few extra topics at the end of Institutions Book 1 Divine Learning after his accepted councils (theology), scripture and commentary recommendations. He brings up vocational tools to help with caring for those in need in Chapter 28 & 29 which is a Christian vocation. He mentions writers on gardening (herbs & health), beekeeping, fish farming and raising doves and when considering the placement of a monastery there is the need for clean water nearby and baths for afflictions. He also mentions several Medical writers in chapter 31 (p.165) before the end of Book 1 he mentions the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and Prayer. His organization suggests that medicine is part of divine learning, perhaps because Jesus healed people during his early ministry? He doesn’t say and these topics seem like an appendix after the many chapters of commentary about commentators. I don’t think they are an after thought [the Introduction p60-63 sees these last chapters as a bridge to book 2].

    It’s probably time for me to actually read the introduction. I find it funny that the intro is 1/3 of the book. I hope you all have a great summer.

  3. I just finished listening to this episode and wanted to add this to your discussion about when Sayers thought Latin study should commence. If you read Sayers’ The Greatest Single Defect of My Own Latin Education, she states that her father began teaching her Latin at the age of 7, and later in the essay suggests that that is a good age to begin: “I am convinced that the age at which I began was the right one. An acquaintance of mine whose boy is just starting life at a grammar school tells me that the boys there do not begin Latin till they are eleven. I am sure that this is too late.”

  4. I have been catching up on some back episodes that I missed, and I want to thank you so much for doing this series on Sayers! I began homeschooling in the late 90s. I wish this information would have been available then! I was drawn to Charlotte Mason’s philosophies, but totally dismissed Classical Education based on misinformation. Mainly regarding the ages and stages, but there was also no connection to wisdom and virtue at all. What a surprise to uncover the truth years later!

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