1. I haven’t listened yet, but as soon as I saw the podcast name I thought, “Man, it’s so great that they’re doing a whole episode on the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries.”😂 Then I realized those probably weren’t the Sayers works that you were discussing.

  2. They should totally do an episode on Lord Peter. I’m sure there’s a connection to schole there somewhere…

  3. Is there not a free level of membership (to the newly launched Sistership) after all? Am I just missing the basic/free level that was mentioned on the episode?

  4. Have you read “Are Women Human?” I have felt, after reading TLToL, “I need to understand and know this person more to have a proper discussion…” I mean, she was single, no siblings, and didn’t teach actual children; there’s got to be more to her? So, my favorites are C.S. Lewis’ essay “A Panegyric of Dorothy L. Sayers” and her essays “Are Women Human?” and “The Human-not-Quite-Human”.

    I do love that her argument is not based on her experience with children, but her expertise in human nature and observation.

  5. I have NOT read that, but it sounds like I should! Thank you for the recommendation. She is a fascinating woman. She wasn’t single, though. She married in her 30s (after having an illegitimate child by someone else) to Oswald Fleming. The fact that she didn’t have much to do with children and didn’t raise her own child always reminded me a bit of Charlotte Mason, who was also single and an only child. But, of course, Mason did have experience teaching and spending time with children.

    I think both women are a good reminder that we can get good advice from people whose lives aren’t much like our own, you know?

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