Red Green Hot Air Balloon during Daytime


  1. I was so excited to have time to listen to this episode today when it was hot off the presses. The Chesterton quote? Oh, MY! And Mystie? I listened to what you said about restoring fellowship with our children and increasing the credibility of our authority when we apologize to them for losing tempers, etc (at the 14:00 remaining mark:) three times already. I needed to hear that and am eager for the Spirit to prompt me to remember it the next time I need it – which will probably be later today, but no later than tomorrow, I’m quite sure. Thank you.

    And Brandy? Stop recommending books. Just – PLEASE. 🙂 At least for this year, okay?

    Signed Dawn – whose copy of Island of the World will be delivered to her this weekend.

    Now I’m off to leave a review on iTunes.

  2. Hahaha! You made me laugh. And I am not sure I can stop myself from recommending more books, Dawn. You might have to fast forward through those parts! 🙂 Thanks in advance for the iTunes review and…ENJOY APOLOGIZING! 😉

  3. I am at a Catholic Homeschool Mom’s weekend away and we just listened to this podcast together. Thank you!

    It cut off suddenly at 47:27, though, and we are wondering what we missed at the end!

  4. Um, levity, yeah. I could use a little of that! 😉 Thanks for the inspiration, ladies. I feel like I have to run a very tight ship here to keep things smoothly humming along, and sometimes I forget to relax and smile a bit more. Thanks to Mystie’s tip, I’m adding “Look at kids and smile” to my morning to-do list. 😉

    Pam, I remember that bit from your podcast with Carole Joy Seid and felt pretty convicted at the time. Type A, first-born, bossy, and not all that fun–yep, that’s me! It’s a great reminder for me to lighten up.

    Brandy, regarding your comments on O’Brien’s book about creating culture as a way to bring down an oppressive regime: you might find it interesting (if you don’t already know already!) that Pope John Paul II, before he was Pope, was part of an underground theater group in occupied Poland that wrote and performed plays as a form of resistance. O’Brien is a Catholic author, so I wonder if the connection was deliberate.

    Mystie, the bit from Chesterton was delightfully convicting. Thank you so much for sharing it, seriously. I Googled it to find the source and added it to my commonplace!

    And continuing the levity topic, I have this prayer by St. Thomas More that you ladies might appreciate written in my religious commonplace book. I hope to live it out if I can!

    Prayer for Good Humor
    by St. Thomas More

    Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest.
    Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it.
    Grant me a simple soul that knows to treasure all that is good
    and that doesn’t frighten easily at the sight of evil,
    but rather finds the means to put things back in their place.
    Give me a soul that knows not boredom, grumblings, sighs and laments,
    nor excess of stress, because of that obstructing thing called “I.”
    Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor.
    Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke to discover in life a bit of joy,
    and to be able to share it with others.

  5. I LOVED this episode! 🙂 To be honest, I probably fall under the “too much levity” group. ;o) I’m pretty sure my kids (and a lot of other people) think I’m crazy sometimes! Ha! The thing is, like you all said, in some situations you either have to laugh or cry. And a lot of the time, I choose to laugh. Or at least make a joke about it. 😉

    I don’t take myself too seriously or at least I try not to. Oftentimes, and unfortunately, I think it makes me seem immature. :/ But I *am* responsible and have had to be since a young age (long story). Like you mentioned in the podcast, Brandy, you don’t necessarily have to be serious once you become an Adult. One can be mature and responsible and still be goofy. At least, I *think* you can. 😉

    Also, unfortunately, I think a lot of Christians associate holiness with seriousness. Which makes it difficult sometimes! I loved that Chesterton quote and am going to share it!

    I’m re-reading Loving the Little Years and just finished her second book, Fit to Burst. I really love Jankovic’s wisdom and perspective! 🙂

    I’m looking forward to more from you ladies! 🙂

  6. Great podcast ladies! I’m also working on levity. It used to come more natural, but I think as I get older, I’m a bit more jaded. I can totally relate to Celeste above, “Type A, first-born, bossy”, and might I add controlling. I also think Catie made a good point about the ill perceived notion of seriousness in Christianity. Hopefully, I can reclaim that fun loving person I used to be 🙂

  7. I’m just kidding. I love all the book recommendations. Mystie, I think I’ve learned about Jankovic’s writing through Desiring God. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the blog. More book recs, more blogs to read. Hmmm….can you also help a girl with more hours in her day? 🙂

  8. Thank you, thank you! I probably should listen to this every week! I am blessed with a husband who is Mr. Happy and apparently I think I have to balance him out when what I really need is to join him! Thank you for reminding me that we serve a big God and I don’t have to bear the burden of every little thing my children need.

  9. Are your podcasts on Stitcher? I can’t find a match, but I just downloaded the app today, so I might be doing something wrong.

  10. Hmmm…I will check. While we tried to apply to all the major apps that require it, I didn’t actually test to make sure it went through. I’ll work on that! It could totally be my fault!

  11. This should be required listening for homeschool moms! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing the truth. New on my to-do list: smile at children regularly, dance as needed.

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