Closed Door and Lighted Light Sconce


  1. I enjoyed this first podcast and am looking forward to the next one. The easy, conversational tone and the fact that you are all friends made it very fun to listen to. Your laughter put me in mind of my own good conversations with friends. 🙂

  2. This was so inspiring, ladies! I had a question for Pam: I loved your three ways of looking at how schole plays out in our homeschools. Would it be ok with you to use those categories as a sort of weekly review on my blog, sharing examples of how we are living out the idea of schole, both intentionally and spontaneously? I realized just while listening that we have done all three just this week, which was encouraging. 🙂
    Thank you all for putting this podcast together!

  3. I really enjoyed the first episode – it was great fun to listen to you three ladies chat. I love how you talked about using our free time to learn and grow – that’s exactly what I try to do. And it does overflow into our homeschools – maybe not always in direct, measurable ways, but I know it makes a big difference in my enthusiasm and willingness to stick to it.

  4. You mentioned having a group on “boxer”? Where you chat every day? I can’t find anything online so I must be spelling it wrong, can you fill me in?! Did you ever do a whole podcast on it? Thank you!!!!!

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