1. Get out!!! It must be early podcast Christmas! I love listening to Wes Callihan (love Perpetual Feast) and finally splurged on my copy of Kristin Lavransdatter last month after having it on my to-read list for over a year and a half! I also just got back from visiting my brother in beautiful Moscow, Idaho (the palette is very subdued but gorgeous this time of year) and he was teasing me that Moscow is like Hollywood for me because there are so many people and places in classical learning and speaking that connect there. Thanks for making my Friday delightful. I will go actually finish the episode now;)

  2. Love Wes Callahan! Great episode! I loved what he said about Common Grace and I see that as an important idea to apply not only in our reading of secular literature, but also in our daily interactions with people of different faiths. Thanks for having him on the podcast! It was a treat!

  3. I really loved this. It was helpful for me as I’ve struggled with some of these same questions. I’m off to find more Wes Callahan talks!

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