Search Results for: karen glass

SS #23: The Nitty-Gritty Guide to Homeschooling High School Boys (with Cindy Rollins)

SS #23: The Nitty-Gritty Guide to Homeschooling High School Boys (with Cindy Rollins)

In her book Mere Motherhood, Cindy Rollins made the passing comment that she was not as big of a fan of homeschooling high school boys as she had been in the past. This turned into a rumor: Cindy Rollins doesn’t think boys should be homeschooled in high school. Um. NOT TRUE. Today, Mystie and Brandy chat…

SS #11: Will the REAL Multum Non Multa Please Stand Up?

SS #11: Will the REAL Multum Non Multa Please Stand Up?

On today’s show, Mystie and Brandy discuss the ancient Latin motto multum non multa – meaning, much not many. Applied to education, and somehow misapplied to education, we chat about who used the motto in reference to education, what they meant, and what this has to do with Charlotte Mason and The Latin-Centered Curriculum. We also…

SS #10: Which Comes First? The Principles or the Practical?

SS #10: Which Comes First? The Principles or the Practical?

Today’s show is our version of the which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg dilemma. In this case, though, it’s which comes first – the principles or the practices. And how do we practice when we know that we don’t know all we NEED to know? We go around and around in circles, drawing on folks like James K.A. Smith, Cindy…