1. I loved this episode – thank you! When you were talking about water I remembered my husband telling me about our high school science teacher (at a public school) telling him that one of the primary reasons he believed in God was because of the unusual properties of water – such as how the solid state floats on the liquid state. I will definitely check out those books.

  2. Yes! Water is such a great apologetic. I remember learning in high school that there was a point at which water was technically all three states — solid, liquid, and gas — at once. It was a bit of a picture of the Trinity for me. 🙂

  3. Yeah!!! I just got a chance to listen while I was unloading the dishwasher, heard my own voice (was confused for a second) then realized it was my question being answered! I love all the ideas and can’t wait to look more into them.

    I have been commonplacing and love it! I am thinking about doing a blog post about how I currently practice Schole and some things I would like to do, including some of these ideas!!

  4. I’m working my way through old episode. As for water… yes, its amazing! In fact, we adopted a set of 5 embryos which has resulted in us learning about about the freezing of embryos (yes, the ethics of this is a whole ‘nother topic!). The new technology freezes them so fast that the water freezes without the sharp crystals that would normally form when ice freezes in a more normal environment. This is about ‘types of ice’, I think. Hubby, who has the BS in Physics, knows more about this.

    I am teaching High School Biology this next year (2017-2018), and we’ve got some loaded topics coming up. Glad I’m finally listening to this podcast. Thank you.

  5. Embryo adoption! Fascinating! When my husband got his first “real” job out of college, he worked right down the street from a snowflake adoption agency.

    I wish you were closer. I *need* a biology teacher for next year! I had hoped our physical science teacher would keep on with bio, but plans changed. 🙁

  6. I know this is a really old episode, but in it you mentioned a study guide for Faust which I did not see in the show notes. Any idea what that commentary/study guide was?

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