1. Another great podcast! I couldn’t help thinking of James 2: “faith without works is dead”. We need both the philosophy and the practical. Each feeds on the other. In my 12 year journey as a homeschool mother, I have been sporadically digging deeper into the philosophy and applying new practices. The more I stay rooted in the philosophy the more my daily practices improve. This is true for my Christian faith as well as my CM homeschool.

  2. Ok, so I know we are all nice Christian ladies here, but I don’t know how to say this other than, DAMN, that was a good episode. Seriously, that is what was going through my head when I was listening! Haha (I think?). Anyway, you guys are doing such a good job–thank you and keep it up!

  3. I, too, loved this episode! I’ve had a similar conversation with friends, as well.

    I love what you guys said about practicing the principles helping to understand the philosophy. I have found this to be very true in my own (short) homeschool journey. I remember being on the AO website scratching my head A LOT when we first started 3 years ago. Now, those same articles or topics make SO much more sense to me!

    And I also agree with (and have had a similar conversation) the idea that if you aren’t committed (convicted?) to your principles, you might have a harder time sticking with it! There have been times when I’ve just had to trust the CM philosophy and process, because I don’t always see the fruit. Having ladies like you to ‘go ahead’ makes that much easier, of course. 😉

  4. Haha, yay! I’m glad I didn’t offend anyone with my “colorful language.” I totally forgot I left it until I read Pam’s HS Weekly this morning.

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