1. Another excellent episode, ladies! Such a treat to listen to on a long drive today. I’m one of those currently reading Utopia on the AO forum and I originally purchased the Turner translation linked here, but just tried a week reading an older translation available through Dover and actually enjoyed that more. But, I also have a preference for older translations of Homer in my limited experience, too, and find the more modern translation of Fagle to be much like the Turner version of Utopia: it is a good translation, but to me loses some of the richness of the earlier versions due to efforts to modernize the language to make it more accessible. Both translators in their intro to these books mention taking some liberties in order to accomplish this, and I prefer the older representation of the originals – at least, thus far in my limited experience.

  2. I think I can identify with you on appreciating older translations — a lot of them are more beautiful, or at least it seems so to me. I think it’s important to get a translation you connect with! That’s probably the ultimate, because it means we’re more likely to read it. 🙂

    Glad we could keep you company on your drive! 🙂

  3. The Well Read Mom book group is a great way for women and mothers, in particular, to explore the classics accompanied by others. It’s been a beautiful fruit in my life, spiritual and intellectual. Just wanted to share the resource: http://www.wellreadmom.com/

  4. I agree. I’m grateful for trying multiple translations for another reason, though: to find one that I think my sons will connect with when their time comes. As they will be reading many of these books at a significantly younger age than I am they may appreciate the more modern translations. Time will tell.

    The Imaginative Conservative just popped into my inbox and I read this essay by Eva Brann that I thought was appropriate to link to this episode – even more so when I saw that she gave this talk at your alma mater, Brandy!


  5. I was wondering if you had a link to the list of Classics that you refer to in the podcast – you mentioned that there are really only 100 of them. Do you have a particular list that you are looking at?
    Wonderful podcast – I enjoyed all of the discussion and the nitty gritty was very applicable to me as well, as I am thinking about starting Latin next year with my oldest. So thankful for your podcast ladies – and I love the blooper reel!

  6. Well, I mainly said 100 because John Senior said 100 when he talked about his 1000 Good Books preceding them. So. I googled (of course). 🙂 This list maybe has 100? I can’t find the list that I remember reading years ago. My university had a great books honors program (in which I, unfortunately, did not participate because it was new my freshman year), and its reading list has 130 books.

    And: I’m so glad you’re enjoying the podcast! ♥

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