The Republic of Plato

The Republic by Plato is a landmark achievement in Ancient Greek philosophy - this edition contains every book, complete in a superb translation by Benjamin Jowett, in hardcover. The Republic is part conversation between friends active in the Athens intellectual community, and part monologue from various participants in the discussion. The narrator and lead character is Socrates, Plato's mentor, who appears in most Platonic dialogues and acts as surrogate to Plato's ideas. Throughout the text the 'Socratic method', whereby Socrates feigns ignorance and questions an adversary to receive insight on a given subject, is amply demonstrated. The discussion begins with an attempt to find a definition for justice, wherein a disagreement between Thrasymachus - who believes justice is what is good for who is strongest at a given place and time - and Socrates, who believes that all members of society should, for the highest benefit of all, conform to just action.
As mentioned in
- Episode #65 – Falling in Love with Shakespeare