Search Results for: ravi jain

On Christian Teaching

The De Doctrina Christiana (“On Christian Teaching”) is one of Augustine’s most important works on the classical tradition. Undertaken at the same time as the Confessions, it sheds light on the development of Augustine’s thought, especially in the areas of ethics, hermeneutics, and sign theory. This completely new translation gives a close but updated representation of Augustine’s thought and expression, while a succinct introduction and select bibliography present the insights of recent research.

SS #82 – You Can’t Cancel Christmas

SS #82 – You Can’t Cancel Christmas

The death of culture and festivity is not a less important death than bodily. No matter what government officials say, Christmas is coming and must be honored with festive celebration – piety requires it. In this episode, Brandy Vencel, Pam Barnhill, Mystie Winckler, and Abby Wahl discuss how festivity and scholé fits into the curricular…

SS #77: Let’s Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah (Communities vs. Networks)

SS #77: Let’s Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah (Communities vs. Networks)

Today’s discussion between Brandy, Pam, Mystie, and Abby centers on the differences between communities and networks as spelled out by John Taylor Gatto in his wonderful little book Dumbing Us Down. To which do you belong? Is there an ideal? There’s a lot of food for thought in this episode. Time to register for the…