Fear not.
Truth is not fragile.
Neither should we be.
To give an education to our children that is rooted in the truth, we need to be willing to tackle the hard questions and the hard books.
Yes, it takes discernment and wisdom that we often lack, but that’s why we’re working on our own education as well.
Practice intellectual hospitality
What’s the difference between the good kind of open mind and the bad kind?
Moms need to know.

All truth is God’s truth, so Christians need not fear or avoid hard questions.
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Rosaria Butterfield
classical homeschooler,
writer, & speaker
Rosaria was once a tenured professor of English who identified as a lesbian and worked to advance the cause of LGBT equality. After her conversion to Christ in 1999, she came to see the sinfulness of having any identity apart from Him.
Rosaria is married to Kent Butterfield, pastor of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham, and is a home-school mother for 18 years, pastor’s wife, author, and speaker.
In 2012, she published her conversion memoir, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey to Christian Faith. Her third book, The Gospel Comes with a House Key (2018) addresses the lost art of Christian hospitality.
Rosaria writes about sexuality, identity, Christian hospitality and community, and seeks to encourage all in faithful Christian living and service.